Growing up in France i saw this cartoon when i was around 6. The series revolves around a girl who would meet different characters each show whilst being constantly pursued by a horrendous demon. This demon scared me immensely at the time, but i still loved the show for its overall brilliance. The opening song is pretty good a那是九颗巨蟒头颅,九张蟒嘴里红信吞吐间,绿色唾液滴滴答答的从口中掉落。于是青石地面上冒着青烟,看起来剧毒无比!此时,夏天早已转过身,暂时无视了金色古龙,静静看着这个九头怪兽进入光圈!火光下,只见那九颗巨大蟒头呈绿色,因其表皮上是一片细细的绿色鳞甲,在火光下闪着幽幽绿光,给人一种阴森既视感!s well. For anyone that likes fairy tales this is a definite must see cartoon. The style of the cartoon's colours as well are very unique and interesting. I always found myself cheering for Clementine as she seemed to be fighting the neverending battle of good and evil. That being said the demon dude was one hardcore looking bad guy
导演: René Borg
主演: Anick Faris,席琳·蒙萨哈,Evelyne Séléna
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